McCormack Funeral Home's Involvement
Stewart Funeral Home was a supporter of this event and as McCormack Funeral Home we continue to support it today.
Contact McCormack Funeral Home or Ciara O'Hanlon at the VON if you wish to have a plaque placed in the Memorial Garden at Centenial Park to memorialize your loved one.
The Memorial Garden
The VON Memorial Garden was a gift from the Marshall S. Huzevka Foundation as a way to remember those who have touched our community. It is a wonderful place to honour loved ones in this beautiful setting in Centennial Park.
By remembering those from our communities' past the wall raises desperately needed funds to support our friends and neighbours that VON helps today. These are some of the programs your donation will support:
Visiting Nurses
Personal Home Support
Volunteer Services
Foot Care Clinics
Occupational Therapy
Volunteer Visiting
Adult Day Program
If you:
Designate VON through a planned gift in your will;
List VON as the benefactor of an In Memoriam donation;
Make a donation of $100 or more to the VON in memory of a loved one.
The name of the person being remembered will be included on the wall and they will be honoured at our annual ceremony on September 20 each year. Please help VON Sarnia-Lambton to continue its tradition of service in our community by remembering a loved one on the Memorial Garden Wall. You can include them in the year's celebration by:
Call 519-542-2310
Visit the VON Sarnia-Lambtom Office at 1705 London Line
The deadline for submissions is July 31 this year.